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Arlyn Scales MKE-5 Operating Manual

Arlyn Scales MKE-5 FEATURE

Arlyn Scales LOGO

Arlyn Scales MKE-5

Arlyn Scales MKE-5 PRODUCT

About Arlyn Scales

Arlyn Scales is a company that specializes in manufacturing and selling a wide range of industrial and laboratory scales and weighing equipment. The company is known for producing high-quality scales that are used in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and more. Here are some key points about Arlyn Scales:

  1. History: Arlyn Scales was founded in 1983 and is based in Long Island, New York. The company has decades of experience in designing and manufacturing scales.
  2. Product Range: Arlyn Scales offers a diverse range of scales, including bench scales, floor scales, platform scales, counting scales, crane scales, and more. They also provide specialized scales for specific industries and applications, such as hazardous area scales for use in potentially explosive environments.
  3. Technology and Innovation: Arlyn Scales is known for its commitment to innovation and technology. They have developed advanced weighing technologies, including ultrasonic distance sensors and digital signal processing, to enhance the accuracy and performance of their scales.
  4. Customization: The company offers customization options for their scales, allowing customers to tailor the equipment to their needs. This includes options for different sizes, capacities, and features.
  5. Software Integration: Arlyn Scales provides software solutions and integration capabilities to connect their scales to various data management systems, making it easier for businesses to track and manage their weighing data.
  6. Industries Served: Arlyn Scales serves a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, logistics, agriculture, food processing, and more. Their scales are used for various applications, such as inventory management, quality control, and shipping and receiving.
  7. Customer Support: The company is known for its excellent customer support, assisting with scale selection, installation, calibration, and ongoing maintenance.
  8. Warranty: Arlyn Scales typically offers a warranty on their products, ensuring the quality and durability of their scales.


This manual will cover the operation and setup of all of the options available for your scale. It is important to note that some described menu items will be missing if that option is not installed in your specific scale. All of the options listed may be installed on any scale and may run concurrently. Any of the options may be installed later at the factory if it wasn’t installed at the time of purchase. Call our service department for details.

Time and Date

When your scale is equipped with the time and date option you can get time and date and day of week readouts on the screen or use them in RS232 output frames. The time can be printed in either 12 or 24 hour format. Consult the section on Print Frame Functions for details. The screens for setting the date and time can be found under the menu SETUP MENU/OPTION SETUPS.

Analog Output

This option is a fully configurable analog output port that can be configured for current loop outputs. The factory has preset the output to 4-20 mA. This range is configurable and it is explained in the second paragraph of this section. The output follows the display and its gain is based on the platform’s programmed overload point. For example, in the case of a 100lb scale whose output is configured as 4-20mA, 0lb = 4mA, 25lb = 8mA, 50lb = 12mA, and so on.

The starting and ending currents can be configured by the user. For example, the output’s starting and ending points can be set from 4mA to 20mA. Further, there is an option allowing negative displayed numbers to be output for cases where a reading below zero needs to be monitored. As an example, a 100lb scale is set up with its starting current at 10mA and ending current at 20mA, giving the output of -100lb= 0mA, -50lb = 5mA, 0lb = 10mA, 50lb = 15mA, and 100lb = 20mA.

The Analog Output can also be configured to output voltage. The output can be configured for a voltage range between 0-5VDC. This configuration can be requested to be done at the time of processing the order. However, this can also be done by the customer. Simply connect a 250 ohm ¼ watt resistor between the output terminals. Set the starting and ending currents to be 0mA and 20mA. Using Ohm’s law (V = I x R), you will get from 0VDC (0mA x 250 ohm = 0V) to 5VDC (20mA x 250 ohm = 5V). Just put a voltmeter across the terminals to get these values.

Using any value of the resistor, the scale can be configured to output a customized range of voltages based on customer requirements. However, the voltage cannot exceed 6VDC. The current output component cannot support a voltage drop larger than this value.

Analog Setup Menu

The analog setup menu can be found under the menu SETUP MENU/OPTION SETUPS/ANALOG OUTPUT.

Programmable parameters are as follows:

  • ACTV – Will activate or deactivate the option.
  • START – The starting current that will correspond to zero on the display.
  • END – The ending current that will correspond to the full-scale weight on the display.
  • NEGRDG – Allows negative displayed readings to affect the analog output. If disabled, the output will stop at the programmed starting current when there is a negative number on the display. This should not be confused with a negative current on the output. The lowest possible current is zero.

Special Note for Multiple Platform Scales

The analog output module used in the scale is a single-channel module. Only a single output from a single platform can be seen. For scales with multiple platforms, the analog output will reflect accordingly with the multiple platform settings you have. For multiplatform scales, you can monitor the weight from each platform on the indicator screen by using the UP/DOWN arrow keys and SHIFT keys. The analog output will only reflect the current platform seen on the indicator screen. For example, if the screen is showing weight for Platform 1, the analog output reading will be for Platform 1.

Indicators equipped with multiple platforms also have a special screen that shows the weights on all the connected platforms and the total from all of these platforms. In this screen, there is an arrow that indicates the actions that can be taken on the indicated platform. If the arrow is on Platform 1, then the analog output will reflect Platform 1. The same applies to platform 2. While in this screen, the analog output can also reflect the total sum of weights on all the platforms.

To do this, press the SHIFT key and SIX key in sequence (not together). When this feature is activated, the analog output will only reflect the total. It won’t reflect on any of the platforms. Press the SHIFT + 6 key sequence again to remove the analog output for the total weight feature.

Setpoint Controller

The setpoint controller gives your scale the capability to output a signal to external equipment when certain conditions are met. This is particularly useful in filling operations, either to sound alarms or to control filling machinery.

Setpoint definitions can be created, edited, and deleted. Each has a text description, controlling parameters, and a multi-line formula associated with it. In operation, if the displayed weight satisfies the formula, you may direct any of the outputs to switch on or off. You can create as many setpoint definitions as you like within the limits of free memory. Each setpoint uses four memory slots.

Setpoint definitions can be activated or deactivated, and up to four setpoint definitions can be activated at one time. When multiple setpoints are activated, each setpoint formula is evaluated in the order it was defined. If more than one setpoint shares the same output, then one can overwrite the other.
With a little finesse in creating formulas, simple setpoints, filling control cycles, over and under check weighing, and many other functions are possible.

IMPORTANT NOTE: During Scale reboot, the scale will momentarily toggle all setpoints to check for malfunction. This might cause your valve systems to open (or close) during that initial moment. A fix is already being implemented (as of this writing) for this issue. All Software versions at 6.123b and below will have this feature. A workaround would be to add a manual switch that would be used to shut off your system if the scale is ever rebooted.

Output Connector and Pin Diagram

In most cases, there will be a single cable with a 15-pin subminiature D-type female connector added to the scale for interfacing with external equipment.

  1. Setpoint #4 Output
  2. Setpoint #5 Output
  3. Setpoint #6 Output
  4. Setpoint #7 Output
  5. Setpoint #8 Output
  6. Setpoint #3 Output
  7. Setpoint #2 Output
  8. Setpoint #1 Output
  9. Digital Ground (For Scales sold before 3/7)
  10. +3.3 VDC
  11. Digital Ground (For Scales sold after 3/7)


Weight Averaging

The weight averaging option allows the scale to display an average weight taken from the platform over a specific period. Readings are sampled from the platform forty times per second so a five-second average would average 200 readings. Weight averaging can be set up to operate from a front panel key (the “8” key) or to operate continuously.

Push Button Operation

Pressing the “8” key will start the average. While the average is being taken, the status bar on the bottom of the screen will display “Avg” and the graph bar will show the amount of time left. When the average is completed the result is locked on the display and the text “Loc” will be shown on the status bar. While the reading is locked the UNITS, NET/GROSS, and other front panel keys will still operate as normal. To release the lock simply press the “8” key again. While the average is being taken it can be aborted at any time by pressing the “8” key.

For Multiple Platforms

For Multiple platforms, if you have selected the Multiple Platform screen, then press the “6” button to perform weight averaging.

Continuous Operation

When configured for continuous operation, constant averages at the selected time interval will be taken and locked on the display. The text “Avg” will be shown on the status bar and the time progress shown on the graph line. The average key (the “8” key) is used to start and stop this process.

Configuring the Weight Average Option

The configuration parameters for the weight average option can be found in the menu SETUPMENU/OPTION SETUPS/WEIGHT AVERAGING. There are three settable options here.

  • ACTV Activates or deactivates weight averaging
  • TYPE Push button or continuous operation
  • TIME Average acquire time can be set from one to sixty three seconds

Multiple Platform Operation

Your scale has the capability of running up to three input devices at any one time. Normally only one is used, a load cell, and the scale is programmed to have a single platform containing that load cell. The scale can be configured to run from multiple platforms there are only a few basic operational differences:

  1. An extra display screen is added showing the readings from each platform as well as the total weight from all platforms.
  2. When viewing individual platform screens, you can manually scroll through different platforms. Press SHIFT+UP in sequence or SHIFT+DOWN in sequence to scroll through the platforms. On the primary weight screens, the active platform number is indicated at the bottom of the screen just to the right of the status bar (PL1, PL2, etc.).
  3. On the extra platform, you can just use the UP key or DOWN key without the need to press the SHIFT key. For example, to zero platform 2 use the DOWN ARROW to get the indicator on the right side of the screen to point at platform 2 and then press the ZERO key.
  4. An extra menu is inserted in the menu SETUP MENU/PLATFORM SETUPS. This is a menu that shows the description of each platform and allows you to select one for editing.
  5. When taking or activating tares, parts counting samples, taking a quick sample, or pressing the TARE, UNITS, NET/GROSS, or ZERO key, the operation will be performed only on the currently selected platform.
  6. An auto-scroll feature is available in the Platform Setup screen. This feature allows the indicator to scroll through individual weight screens at specified time intervals. To set up auto-scroll, go to SETUP MENU->PLATFORM SETUP. Choose any activated platform and press EDIT. Scroll down to MULTIPLATFORM SETTINGS. Press ENTER. The horizontal options and the screen text should be clear enough to set the correct settings. It is recommended that the scroll timer should be set to no less than 5 seconds. Any number lesser than that can cause some instability in scale readings.
  7. FOR DUAL PLATFORMS ONLY: To show the difference between the two platform scales, do the same steps as defined in step 6 above. In the MULTIPLATFORM SETTINGS, select Platform Total to be either “Sum” or “Difference”.
  8. If the multiple platform scale has options attached to it, such as RS232, Analog Output, Setpoints, etc. make sure to read the special notes for that section, if any, that might apply specifically for multiple platform operation.

Battery Pack Operation


The Battery Pack Option will allow the scale to be operated in areas where no power is available. The battery pack itself is installed inside the indicator housing and is not user-serviceable in any way. The only external differences are the addition of a Main Power toggle switch and power transformer connector located on the right side of the indicator housing.

To charge the pack, simply leave the scale plugged in for about four hours. The charging circuitry has a peak detection and will stop charging once the battery has reached its peak. The scale may be operating normally while charging.
The battery pack allows a scale equipped with a single load cell platform (models 620 and 820) to operate for about fifteen hours on a single charge. For scales that have multiple load cell platforms, the running time is slightly shorter. A four-load cell platform, like the model 320 will run for about 8 hours.

The Main Power Toggle Switch

There is a main power switch located on the right side of the indicator. Its only function is to completely remove power from the main circuit board in the event of a microprocessor program crash or any other event that causes the scale not to be able to switch itself off. This toggle switch is also responsible for charging the battery. If the toggle switch is left in the open (DOWN) position, then the battery will not charge. This toggle switch should be left in the closed (UP) position during all normal operations.

The Front Panel On/Off Switch

The front panel On/Off switch is used to switch the scale on and off during normal operation.

To turn the scale on, simply press the button and the scale will start its initiation sequence. To turn the scale off, press and hold this button for approximately three seconds until the display blanks out, and then release it.

Auto Shutoff Setup

The scale can (and should) be set up to automatically turn itself off when a programmed time has been reached and/or there is no activity on the scale. This is done through the Auto Shut-Off screen. You may also want to skip the splash screen and read the prompt on startup. You can do this in the menu SETUP MENU/SYSTEM/STARTUP PARAMETERS.

The scale’s auto-shutoff operation can be activated and changed in the menu SETUP MENU/ SYSTEM /AUTO SHUT-OFF. There are two options available.

  • ACT Activates/deactivates the auto shutoff feature.
  • TIME Is the time, in minutes, that the unit will shut off due to inactivity.

Key lock option

General description:

This key lock option adds the capability of disabling the front panel by having all of the function keys locked out until a valid password is entered. Once a valid password is entered, the keys will remain unlocked until the scale is powered down and powered up. By default, the option is not active until an initial password is set.

To set a password:

  1. Press the menu button. Unlock keys by entering the current password, if necessary.
  2. Navigate to Options Setup and then scroll down to “Set Password”.
  3. “Enter new password “ will appear on the display. Enter the desired password (4 digits long)
  4. Confirm the password by retyping the intended password. Confirmation is used to ensure that a mistyped password is not stored.

To unlock keys:

  1. Press the menu button.
  2. “Enter Password” will appear on the top line of the display. Enter the password previously set.
  3. The function keys will remain unlocked until the scale’s power is powered down and powered up.

To deactivate the key lock option:

  1. Follow the above procedure for setting the password.
  2. Instead of entering a password simply press enter twice.
  3. This will clear the password and deactivate the key lock option until the password is set again.

Overview of Menu Options

This section explains the various menu options available in the indicator to manipulate the Bluetooth module. The actual sequence of the operation will be covered in the next section (see “Basic Operation”). These menu options can be accessed by pressing the MENU key on the main screen and then selecting OPTIONS SETUP->BLUETOOTH SETUP.

Bluetooth Reset
This menu option executes a soft reset on the internal Bluetooth. This reset is usually performed when the Bluetooth module is performing erratically.

Scan Remote Devices
This option allows you to scan for any Bluetooth devices present in the vicinity. All Bluetooth devices scanned will be placed in a database, which can be accessed using the “List All Devices” option.

Find Remote Devices [N/A]
This option allows you to scan for a specific device in the vicinity.

List All Devices
This option lists all the devices that have been scanned using the “Scan Remote Devices” option. In this list, you can check the properties of a remote device, connect to a remote device, and even check the connection status of a remote device.

Quick Connect Device
The Quick Connect option allows fast connection to a particular device based on defined parameters, without going through menu options. The user may select the name of the device to connect to or the specific address. The connection process is further explained in the section “Quick Connect Operation”.

Bluetooth Local Settings (Advanced)
This option allows the user to set settings for the internal Bluetooth module, such as the local name, aerial virtual COM port, and factory settings.

Bluetooth Local Settings (ADVANCED)

This section introduces some of the advanced features available for the scale Bluetooth module. Most of these features have to do with the local configuration of the Bluetooth module. It is recommended that you are well versed in the above-described operation before you get into this section. Most of the time, you will not need to modify these settings.

Following are the local Bluetooth settings that can be modified to satisfy some specific requirements in your application. To access these settings, in the Bluetooth Setup screen, scroll down “Bluetooth Local Settings.”

Bluetooth Enable
This menu option allows you to Enable or Disable the Bluetooth functionality. After toggling this option, the scale needs to be restarted.

View Device Info
This menu option allows you to view the Bluetooth module name and device address.

Change Local Name
This menu option allows you to change the local name of the scale Bluetooth module. Currently, it is defaulted to “ARLYN SCALE”. You can modify this to anything you want depending on your needs.

Virtual Port Settings
This menu option specifies the characteristics of the aerial Virtual COM port through which to send out data. This setting, if changed improperly, may disable your Bluetooth communication system.

Fixed Pin Settings
This shows the current Default Pin settings of the Bluetooth module. This allows the Bluetooth module to send this pin to any device asking for a pin request. You will never need to enter the pin on the scale.

Entering this option, the default pin is shown on the screen. The default pin is ‘0000’. You can press ENTER to change the default pin. You have two options here:

  1. Default Fixed Pin: You can put a default pin, of up to 16 alphanumeric characters in length. The next time a pairing is needed, this pin has to be entered on the other remote device when a dialog box pops up.
  2. No Fixed Pin: By pressing ENTER without entering a pin, the scale will assume that you want to enter the pin each time a pairing is required. The next time you pair with a device, a dialog box will pop up on the scale screen for you to enter a desired pin. That same pin has to be entered in the remote device as well.

Reset Factory Settings
Selecting this option will default the Bluetooth module to the original settings set by the Bluetooth Manufacturer. If the Bluetooth is acting erratically, and/or you might have changed settings that may have disabled Bluetooth communication, use this option to bring the settings back to the original factory configuration.

Please note that a frame is only saved when the user moves out of the Print Frame Definitions screen. If the scale is turned off while the user is still on this screen, the frame will be lost permanently.

Arlyn Scales Battery Option Addendum

  1. Plug in the power transformer & the “Ready” sign will come on.
  2. Place the toggle switch on the right side of the indicator in the “On” position.
  3. Let the batteries charge up (approx. 8hrs).
  4. At this point, your scale should be operational & ready to use.
  5. You can leave the power transformer plugged in while using the scale
  6. To shut off the scale press the “On/Off” key once.
  7. To turn on the scales press the “On/Off” key and you will see the “Ready” come on.
  8. Press the “On/Off” key again & your scale will be operational.
  9. Only shut off the toggle switch if you are not going to use the scale for a long period.
  10.  If the toggle switch is not in the “On” position the scale will not charge.

Note: The scale will automatically shut off if the scale is not being used in 15 minutes. You can change the “Shut Off Time” or disable the shut-off time internally in the system menu.

Contact Us

59 Second Street East Rockaway, NY 11518

(516) 593-4465


FAQS About Arlyn Scales MKE-5

Why have weight restrictions on scales?

The internal load cell of your scale may suffer permanent harm if it is overloaded.

Do scales display weight?

Scales calculate weight.

Can normal force be measured using scales?

The scale calculates the standard force.

Is scale weight important?

The scale is only a number; it does not represent strength.

Can a scale be washed?

If your appliance is composed of stainless steel, it is “washdown safe,” as is necessary in applications involving food safety, and it can withstand being in close contact with water.

What do scales primarily serve?

Scales offer defense against the elements and predators.

Do scales indicate weight or mass?

Weight is measured with scales.

Can scales display incorrect weight?

Scales expecting materials to rest uniformly on the load cells can give up false results if they are set up on a slope.

Do scales have different capacities?

From day to day, or even from moment to moment, they may give you a different weight.

What material are scales made of?

Collagen, dentin, keratin, and enamel.

For more manuals by Arlyn Scales, Visit Manualsdock

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