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Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User Guide

Ring Stick Up Cam Battery FEATURE

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Ring Stick Up Cam Battery

Ring Stick Up Cam Battery PRODUCT

About Ring
Ring LLC is a manufacturer of home security and smart home devices owned by Amazon. It manufactures a titular line of smart doorbells, home security cameras, and alarm systems.

Charge and insert the battery

  • Charge the provided battery.
    First, fully charge the battery by plugging it into a USB port using the provided orange cable. The battery is fully charged when just one LED is lit. = Charging = ChargedRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 1
  • Remove the battery cover.
    Twist the battery cover counterclockwise to unlock, then remove it from your Stick Up Cam.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 2
  • Insert the battery
    Insert the charged battery into the bottom of your Stick Up Cam until it clicks into place.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 3

Set up your Stick Up Cam in the Ring app.

  • Download the Ring app.
    The app walks you through setting up and managing your Stick Up Cam. Search for “Ring” in one of the app stores below, or visit: ring.com/appRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 5
  • Set up your Stick Up Cam in the Ring app.
    In the Ring app, select Set Up a Device and follow the in-app instructions.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 4

    Try it out!
    After setup, tap the Live View button in the Ring app to see live video from your Stick Up Cam.

  • Grab your Wi-Fi password.
    You’ll need it to set up your Stick Up Cam. Write it down below so it’s handy when you need it

  • Blue light flashing?
    If the light on the front of your Stick Up Cam is flashing after setup, it’s updating its software. Do not remove the battery from your Stick Up Cam while the light is flashing!

Install your Stick Up Cam Battery

How to use Stick Up Cam on a table or shelf
Your Stick Up Cam comes ready to place on a table or shelf. If desired, insert the provided security screw into the base,
and tighten with the star-shaped end of the screwdriver bit.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 9

Choose a location.
Stick Up Cam is happy just about anywhere, indoors or out. It comes ready to sit on a flat surface like a table or shelf, but
can also be mounted to a wall or ceiling. Just choose a spot where it can provide the view you want.

  • Table or shelfRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 6
  • Mounted on a wallRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 7
  • Mounted on a ceilingRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 8

How to install Stick Up Cam on a wall

Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 16

  • Remove the plastic cover and rubber pad from the base.
    You’ll put the cover back on once you’ve mounted your Stick Up Cam.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 10
  • Flip the base to the rear.
    The base of the stand is hinged. Before wall-mounting, flip the base down and behind your Stick Up Cam.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 13Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 14
  • Push the rubber pad back into the base.
    The rubber pad should sit between your wall and the base of your Stick Up Cam.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 11
  • Drive the screws.
    Hold the round part of the base against your wall, rubber-side down. Use the integrated level to ensure it’s straight.
    Then mount it with the included screws.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 12
  • Snap the cover back onto the base.
    Then, secure it with the included base security screw, using the star-shaped end of the screwdriver bit.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 15

How to install Stick Up Cam on a ceilingRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 17

  • Remove the plastic cover from the base.
    You’ll put the cover back on once you’ve mounted your Stick Up CamRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 18
  • Rotate the stand above the camera:
    The whole stand can rotate on its axis. Before ceiling mounting, rotate the stand 180 degrees so the base is positioned above your Stick Up Cam.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 19Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 20
  • Drive the screws.
    Hold the round part of the base against your ceiling, rubber-side down. Then mount it with the included screws.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 21
  • Snap the cover back onto the base.
    Then, secure it with the included security screw, using the star-shaped end of the screwdriver bit.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 22
  • Base Cover Security ScrewRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 23

Final steps for all mounting styles

Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User- 1fig 24

  • Attach the battery cover.
    Line up the “open lock” symbol on the rear of your Stick Up Cam with the line on the battery cover. Then push the cover on and twist it clockwise to lock it in place. Now your Stick Up Cam is installed and ready to protect you.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 24
  • If desired, add the battery security screw.
    By default, the battery cover can be easily removed for battery charging. However, if you want to secure it, add the included security screw. To do this, pull the rubber plug out of the cover and insert the security screw. Finally, tighten it with the star-shapedRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 25

If you have a Ring Solar Panel

Ring Solar Panel charges the battery in your Stick Up Cam whenever the sun is shining. To purchase your
visit: https://shop.ring.com/products/solar-panelRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 26

  • Mount your Ring Solar Panel.
    Follow the Ring Solar Panel instructions to mount the panel to your home and route its power cable to your Stick Up Cam.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 27
  • Remove the rubber plug.
    Pull the round plug straight out of the power port to remove it.

    Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 28
  • Plug in your Ring Solar Panel.
    The power cable from your Ring Solar Panel may come with a round plug, or it may have a plug with screw tabs. The style of the plug determines how you’ll hook it up.

  • Round Plug Insert it firmly into the power port, and you’re done!Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 29
  • Screw Tab Plug See page 16 for instructionsRing Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 30

How to connect a Ring Solar Panel with a screw tab power plug

Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 31

  • Remove the two screws next to the power port.
    Be sure to save them, as you’ll need them to secure the power plug later.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 32
  • Remove the two rubber spacers.
    If necessary, you can use the included screwdriver to gently pry them out.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 33
  • Insert the power plug.
    In most cases, the trailing cable should point down.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 34
  • Secure the plug.
    Be sure to use the screws you removed in the first step. Using any other screws may damage your Stick Up Cam. That’s it! You’re done.Ring Stick Up Cam Battery User-fig 35

Need a little setup help?

If your in-app setup doesn’t go as planned, try these tips:

  • Get your Wi-Fi password just right.
    The most common setup issues come from entering the wrong Wi-Fi password. These passwords are case-sensitive, and every little error counts.

  • Reboot your router.
    If you entered the right password but you’re having no luck, try turning your Wi-FI router off, wait 30 seconds, then turn it back on. Then, begin setup again in the Ring app.

For additional help, visit: ring.com/help
Or give us a call…

  • US 1 800 656 1918
  • Canada 1 855 300 7289
  • Worldwide +1 310 929 7085

For a list of all our customer support numbers, visit: ring.com/callus

FAQS About Ring Stick Up Cam Battery

How long does it take to charge a Ring stick-up camera battery?

5 to 10 hours.

Is there a battery in the Ring stick-up camera?

Stick Up Cam Battery includes a Quick-Release Battery Pack, and an Indoor/Outdoor Power Adapter is also available (sold separately) to allow you to plug it into regular power outlets. Stick Up Cam Battery will be powered by the adapter and fall back to the battery when hooked into an outlet.

What is the stick-up battery camera by Ring’s range?

Set the area that your Stick Up Cam will cover using the motion range slider. Motion can be detected by your Stick Up Cam up to 30 feet away. By using the blue Save button, you can save your setting.

What is the battery life of a Ring stick-up camera?

The battery can last up to a month once it is fully charged. We ran the first test with ours fully charged. It was still at 97% after running nonstop for several days. However, much like any battery, the Stickup Cam battery charge is influenced by the number of features and settings that are active at once.

How do you tell whether the battery in a Ring is fully charged?

Both the red and green lights will be on while charging. When the light on your battery is a solid shade of green, it is fully charged. Reinstall the doorbell’s fully charged battery by sliding it in until it clicks into place. Reinstall the faceplate by squeezing it into the top and clicking.

Does the battery in a Ring stick up camera have night vision?

A security camera called the Ring Stick Up Cam Battery can be used both inside and outside of your home to increase the perimeter’s level of protection. Ring Stick Up Cam Battery has a wide viewing angle, night vision, two-way audio, HD video recording, and 1080p full HD quality.

A ring camera contains how many batteries?

two batteries

How many times can a ring battery be charged?

It still depends on how much activity your video doorbell is recording, but Ring claims the battery should last between 6 and 12 months on a single charge. Ring acknowledges that the battery depletes more quickly below 40°F and that users from colder regions report reduced battery life.

What voltage does a Ring camera use?

To power your gadget, your hardwired doorbell transformer needs to supply enough voltage. A power source of a minimum of 16 volts AC is needed for both the Ring Video Doorbell Pro and Ring Video Doorbell Pro 2.

Need both batteries for Ring cameras?

Your Spotlight Cam will operate effectively with just one battery.

For more manuals by Ring, Visit Manualsdock

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xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosofutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbetbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao bong da247EPLbarcelonabournemouthaff cupasean footballbên lề sân cỏbáo bóng đá mớibóng đá cúp thế giớitin bóng đá ViệtUEFAbáo bóng đá việt namHuyền thoại bóng đágiải ngoại hạng anhSeagametap chi bong da the gioitin bong da lutrận đấu hôm nayviệt nam bóng đátin nong bong daBóng đá nữthể thao 7m24h bóng đábóng đá hôm naythe thao ngoai hang anhtin nhanh bóng đáphòng thay đồ bóng đábóng đá phủikèo nhà cái onbetbóng đá lu 2thông tin phòng thay đồthe thao vuaapp đánh lô đềdudoanxosoxổ số giải đặc biệthôm nay xổ sốkèo đẹp hôm nayketquaxosokq xskqxsmnsoi cầu ba miềnsoi cau thong kesxkt hôm naythế giới xổ sốxổ số 24hxo.soxoso3mienxo so ba mienxoso dac bietxosodientoanxổ số dự đoánvé số chiều xổxoso ket quaxosokienthietxoso kq hôm nayxoso ktxổ số megaxổ số mới nhất hôm nayxoso truc tiepxoso ViệtSX3MIENxs dự đoánxs mien bac hom nayxs miên namxsmientrungxsmn thu 7con số may mắn hôm nayKQXS 3 miền Bắc Trung Nam Nhanhdự đoán xổ số 3 miềndò vé sốdu doan xo so hom nayket qua xo xoket qua xo so.vntrúng thưởng xo sokq xoso trực tiếpket qua xskqxs 247số miền nams0x0 mienbacxosobamien hôm naysố đẹp hôm naysố đẹp trực tuyếnnuôi số đẹpxo so hom quaxoso ketquaxstruc tiep hom nayxổ số kiến thiết trực tiếpxổ số kq hôm nayso xo kq trực tuyenkết quả xổ số miền bắc trực tiếpxo so miền namxổ số miền nam trực tiếptrực tiếp xổ số hôm nayket wa xsKQ XOSOxoso onlinexo so truc tiep hom nayxsttso mien bac trong ngàyKQXS3Msố so mien bacdu doan xo so onlinedu doan cau loxổ số kenokqxs vnKQXOSOKQXS hôm naytrực tiếp kết quả xổ số ba miềncap lo dep nhat hom naysoi cầu chuẩn hôm nayso ket qua xo 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